
Origin-: Named after its discovery locality, the Shattuck Mine, Bisbee, Arizona, USA in 1915.
Color-: Light to dark blue, Teal, Turquoise.
Hardness-: 3.5 on the Mohs scale with an orthorhombic crystal structure.
Lustre-: Dull to vitreous.
Diaphaneity (Transparency)-: Opaque to Translucent.
Streak-: Pale blue.
Astrological Sign-: Aquarius, Libra, Sagittarius, Taurus.
Occurrence-: Arizona, Congo, Germany, Great Britain, Namibia, US.
Metaphysical Properties-:
- Stone of reconciliation and renewal.
- Used to channel information, particularly from extra terrestrials.
- Used for automatic writing.
- It is said to calm the mind and create harmony.
- Helpful for healing diabetes, calcium absorption problems, parathyroid, mites and other infestations and tonsillitis.
- It is primarily associated with the throat chakra.