
Psilomelane,also known as black hematite.
Origin-: Named in 1758 from the Greek psilos – “smooth” and melas – “black.”
Color-: Variable from iron-black to bluish black to steel grey with grey pyrolusite bands.
Streak-: Brownish black.
Hardness-: 5-6 on the Mohs scale.
Diaphaneity-: Opaque.
Luminescence-: Non-fluorescent.
Luster– : Sub Metallic, Dull.
Occurrence-: Austinville, Wythe County, Virginia, Upper Peninsula of Michigan and Tucsons, Arizona, USA; Schneeberg, Germany; Cornwall, England; Ouro Preto, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
Metaphysical Properties-:
- Facilitates trance states and enhances awareness.
- It can assist one with self-analysis to reveal previously unrecognized thoughts and experiences.
- This in turn stimulates corrective action for emotional disturbances and over-emotional states.
- It can also be used to repair unwanted, unloving behaviour patterns.
- It is said to help change outmoded patterns of thinking and redirect your energies.