Pink Opal

Pink opal is an opaque variety of Opal, sometimes referred to as “Andean Opal” or “Peruvian Opal”.
Color-: Pink and white to lavender and cream.
Hardness: 5.5-6.5 on the Mohs scale.
Lustre-: Vitreous.
Birthstone-: October.
Zodiac Sign-: Cancer, Libra, Pisces and Scorpio.
Occurrence-: Andes Mountains near San Patricio, Peru, Canada, Mexico, Australia, USA, UK.
Metaphysical Properties-:
- Pink Opal is a stone of peace and tranquility for the aura.
- “Stone for Renewal” and “Spiritual Awakening”.
- It can help guide us on our life’s journey.
- It teaches love and non-violence, helping nourish all aspects of our development.
- To help inner healing on the emotional, physical and intellectual levels.
- It can help us release old patterns, bring deeper insights into psychological issues and to cleanse and purify the mind and heart.
- Treatment for physical conditions: lungs, spleen, heart and the connective tissue.
Care & Cleaning-:
- Opal is very sensitive to heat or sudden change in temperature.
- Never clean your Opal jewelry in an ultrasonic cleaner, it will crack the Opal.