Verdite The Green Stone Of Africa

Verdite is a variety of muscovite, a green color rock of chrome mica with chemical composition Aluminium Silicate.
Alternative Names-: Buddstone, African jade and African green gold, Brown serpentine.
Color & Appearance-: Shades of green often mottled with yellow, red white and light green patches
Occurrence-: Barberton district of South Africa, eastern Zimbabwe, Australia, U.S.A.
- Verdite is an emerald looking stone with brown variations to it.
- The green emerald color is due to the high percentage of chromium and it is a good simulant for emerald.
- It is generally formed either in fibrous or massive form in pegmatite.
Hardness-: 2.5-4
Varieties: Fuchsite & Serpentine.
Lustre-: Vitreous to waxy.
Cause of Color-: Chromium
Simulants (with key separation tests)-: Emerald (S.G., structure, inclusions), Jade (R.I., S.G., spectrum, inclusions, structure)
Cuts-: Faceted, cabochon, etc.
Healing Properties– :
- Raises oxygen levels & aids dizziness.
- Cleanses the blood, removing toxins, and genital disorders.
- Increases resistance to infection, soothes allergic conditions.
- Brings reliability, fortitude & constancy.
- Used to access and assimilate ancient knowledge.
- It is an excellent stone to stimulate the movement of the Kundalini.
Note-: It is advised not to use it in day to day life as it can get scratch, due to the low hardness.